Our Hershey's Kisses

Welcome to Hershey's Kisses Memorial Page

Treasured Family Member

Hershey's Story

Such a Good Boy...

Our memorial, but blog has more.  

From Gecko Hunter to Dancefloor Extraordinaire

Hold onto your treats, folks, because we’re here to celebrate the life of a dog like no other! Born on December 20, 2013, Hershey was a furry force of nature who gave us more laughter, love, and quirky memories than we ever thought possible. On August 19, 2023, we said a bittersweet goodbye as Hershey embarked on his next adventure, leaving a trail of paw prints on our hearts.

Hershey, a.k.a. “Gecko Hunter Supreme,” was more than just a dog. He was a four-legged legend who fearlessly chased geckos with a dedication that would rival any Olympian. Those quick-footed lizards didn’t stand a chance against Hershey’s stealth mode – though they probably won a gold medal in zigzagging!

Now, let’s talk about Hershey’s aquatic ambitions. He wasn’t just a pool swimmer; he was the Michael Phelps of the dog world. When he heard the word “pool,” he’d sprint like a torpedo, making a splash that would leave the lifeguards jealous. He even fancied himself as the pool cleaner’s supervisor, making sure those bubbles and inlets were up to snuff. Talk about dedication to duty, even if it involved some soggy ears!

But Hershey’s talents didn’t stop at pool parties. Oh no, he was also our resident gardening guru. The tomatoes, basil, and oranges lived in fear of his discerning taste tests. If he gave them his paw of approval, they were good to go for human consumption.

Let’s not forget his office assistant gig – though his “paw-typing” skills left a lot to be desired. And speaking of paws, Hershey was the original foot warmer extraordinaire. Dad’s toes never had a chance to be chilly, with Hershey on the case!

And who could overlook his signature move – the “Hershey Dance.” Right before dinner, he’d kick off his personal dance party, complete with enthusiastic snorts that would put a pig to shame. We’re pretty sure he could’ve won “Dancing with the Dogs” if it were a thing.

Hershey’s impact on the family was immeasurable. He shared sibling shenanigans with Emmi, Oreo, Sammy, Stitch, Taco, and Kenai, creating a furry fan club that even Hollywood would envy. And while he left us physically, his spirit is sprinkled in every corner of our lives, from gecko-free corners to perfectly gardened patches.

So here’s to Hershey, the gecko-chasing, pool-splashing, foot-warming, dance-floor-rocking, gardening guru extraordinaire! As he crosses the rainbow bridge, we know he’s teaching the angels some snort-tastic moves and keeping the geckos on their toes.

“In our tears, we find the laughter Hershey left behind, forever echoing in our hearts.”


We eventually hope to grow into a support community for pet loss.


Valuable Resources:

Hemangiosarcoma Screening in Canines

Animal Loss Resources

Potential Cancer Signs